The foundation of CIBS.POL is information and this is the main basis for any investigation, as well as all activities. After information has been obtained, the determination, verification and review of this begins. This is the basis of CIBS.POL, both at home and abroad.

Our specialists and partners – former law enforcement officers and veterans with long years of experience in the field of justice, investigative services and intelligence – who uphold the solid foundations of investigative ethics with a passion and dedication to the meticulous research of evidence needed to verify truth and information have allowed CIBS.POL to stand out on the international stage.

Thanks to our continuous adaption to the constantly changing market situation and our experienced and trained managers, we are always able to offer implementable, effective and unconventional solutions within a very short time.

CIBS.POL is a member of the most important national and international associations, as well as affiliated with the IKD (International Commission for Detectives).

The trust shown and valued by a continuously growing customer base not only confirms our quality, but also represents the basis for our business in terms of trust and professionalism.

Our activities relate to the following areas:

  • Information gathering
  • Clarification, investigation, verification
  • Due diligence
  • Counterintelligence
  • Intelligence
  • Profiling
  • Inspection services
  • Fraud prevention
  • Fighting crime
  • Defense services
  • Special investigations

The company CIBS.POL offers services for institutions, municipalities, social services, SVA / BVM / SVZ, protection of minors, companies, law offices, professionals and private individuals.

W.A.D.: World Association for Detectives Inc.; FEDERPOL: Privatdetektiv u. Sicherheit Verband (IT); AE-COPSD: Publik Sicherheit Verband EU (FR); I.A.A.T.I.: The International Association of Auto Theft Investigators (EU-USA); NATO: North Atlantic Treaty Organization Nr. SAHSO; W.U.K.F.: World Union of Karate-do Federations, I.P.A. Italia: International Police Association Nr. 85874, F.S.P.D.: Association of Swiss Private Investigators (FSPD), VCI: Vehicle Crime Investigation Association